31 August, 2012

TYPES OF YOGA for all ages

TYPES OF YOGA for all ages

This is among the most practiced forms of yoga. Here, the aim is to get rid of anxieties or apprehensions that usually clutter our mind. This also includes letting go of one’s ego or desires that can often become compulsive or addictive. This kind of yoga is particularly useful for those who are struggling to let go of a disturbing part of their past.



This is among the more advanced forms of yoga that is not meant for beginners or those struggling to get their focus right. Also referred to as the yoga of higher knowledge, Jnana Yoga teaches its followers to use the mind to transcend any bodily pain or conflict. This kind of yoga requires a lot of self-discipline and the ability to be honest with oneself. Meditation is an integral part of yoga here and often Jnana Yoga experts talk about liberating the mind. Here, the idea is not to gain more intelligence but to gain from greater self-realization. This requires deep meditation and often, months of practice.


As the title suggests, Mantra Yoga stresses upon voicing chants or prayers. This usually includes repeating typical sounds or mantras to alleviate the pain or psychological problems. A single phrase or word might have to be repeated endlessly. There is usually a way of recommending the syllables to a follower, based upon the kind of pain or problem and his overall, bodily constitution.


Considered one of the oldest, most effective forms of yoga, it is usually followed by yogic gurus. Kundalini Yoga has often engaged controversy too due to its slightly-confusing approach of combining abstinence and indulgence in sex. This form of yoga teaches going celibate to attain spiritual growth as sexual activities are regarded detrimental to self-introspection or enlightenment. Later, sexual interaction is used in a particular manner as a means of enhancing one’s spiritual gains. Also called Tantric Yoga, this branch of yoga stresses upon using the Kundalini—a kind of psychic energy that can be tapped if sexual restraint and indulgence are systematically used.

These are just some of the many types of Yoga practiced across the world. Some yoga forms have been modified and renamed by popular yoga gurus though the basic aim of every variation of yoga remains the same. Learning a bit about various types of yoga and finding a capable, learned yoga teacher is perhaps the first step towards approaching yoga, correctly.

28 August, 2012

Top 10 Strengths of Women\Health

Top 10 Strengths of Women\Health

Over time the role and purpose of women in the society and community has been redefined by the contemporary influences as well as the bravery of other women who had stood courageously amidst discrimination. In fact, the stereotypical notions that their capacities and abilities are just limited for their family, husband, and children have totally diminished especially that equality and feministic views have been the strongest stand for all. In fact, according to history much of the successes and revolts did actually transpire because of their bravery. Before, they did not have the chance to raise their voice, express their feelings, and opinions, but now, they are more active and a real fighter. They are not raised to be just a help-meet for any spouse in their future family, but they can make a difference not just in their homes, but in the world. In fact, some of the things that could have been overlooked and belittled by men in general are the strengths that they do not have, nor could they compete at.

1. Problem-Solver


Even if you put women in a very difficult situation, they will emerge victorious because of their positivity. Moreover, since they are emotional, they can always recuperate from whatever ill-feelings, agony, and other misfortunes or trials that may come in their life. They would just cry it out, and once they feel that they have vented everything out, they will take the lead to make solutions instead of dwelling on the problem. They will find ways to overcome and fight the real problem instead of being under come by it.


2. Multi-tasking


Women can accomplish and do things at the same time. It’s women empowerment wherein they can focus on things without being interrupted or overwhelmed. Of course, expect that they are tired after that. It’s actually connected on their character of being an organized person. They know how to maximize their time, and accomplished great things. It could be the reason why women are called as superwomen because of the extra power and time that they can do compared to men’s allotted space.


3. Initiative


You don’t need to command or compel them for them to move and get up working. They have the initiative to get something done even if they don’t need to do it. This is the reason that in any workplace set-up, most of the employers trust, and rely on them because of their ability to get things done without being forced to do it. In fact, at home, they automatically do things like household chores, getting up early to prepare breakfast, and all other things that women do especially to all mothers. They did not receive any formal training nor had any specific experience before they go that kind of battle at home, it’s an instinct that they are blessed with.


4. Organized


It is true that women are really organized, and it has been proven by the employers or bosses of women who have found them punctual, and prepared when it comes to work. It is also evident in most of the working mothers who have the ability to manage their time at work, and responsibilities at hand when they get home. In fact, they are exactly the opposite of men who love free-spirited activities, carefree life, and “come what may” attitude. This could be the reason why they have to be one in order to compensate each other’s weaknesses. Just check their room, their belongings, their bags, and even bathroom, you’ll see how they are detailed oriented, and how they keep the mess away from them since it’s one of the natural strengths that men are trying to master and muster.


5. Creative


When things get tougher, they know how, when, and what to do. The simple things can look extraordinary because of their resourcefulness. They know how to capitalize on the things that they have on their end. This is the reason why they are reliable when it comes to financial decisions, and budgeting. They may not be as technical as men whom everyone knows, but they know how to impress not just their employers, but even their family members. They can accomplish things even if you leave them behind without any supervision. Expect that you would expect much better results with the time and resources that would be provided to them. This kind of strength is commonly manifested at work, and other gatherings.


6. Emotional


It is true that women are much emotional than men since its part of the feminine character. In fact, men try to hide or keep what they really feel inside since most of them believe tears are not part of the masculine image that they are trying to project and protect. This is the reason why they tend to become more empathetic when people try to share their problems, worries, and other dilemmas in life. They know how to listen without interrupting, they know when to share counsels, and of course, how to understand others. It’s the same reason why they have a better emotional intelligence or better known as EQ. This is the reason that women have lots of friends that they can accompany with compared to men which are really in selection of their closest and trusted buddies.


7. Participative


Women are more open to express their thoughts, feelings, and opinions. This is the reason in most of the discussions, and conversations, they have lots of things to say and contribute. In fact, they even go beyond on what is expected of them. This is the reason why there are much successful women these days whether at work, school, and even in politics. In whatever decisions that an organization has to come-up, expect that they have important points to share and to explain.


8. Caring


It is part of the women’s attribute to be caring or compassionate since they are much attached and emotional compared to men. It’s part of the feminine character which is not really a weakness since they are recognized more as a homemaker, and a nurturer at home. This is the reason why in most of the non-profit organizations or groups that provide assistance to people are always a composition of women like mothers, singles, and others who are strong advocate of specific principle. It’s really a natural part of themselves to be more caring not just to others, but to the members of the family.


9. Proactive


Women especially mothers know how to handle difficult situations especially that the most painful part of their life is giving birth. They know how to see positive things despite of the negative influences and atmosphere that can come from within or other external factors. This is the reason that most of the suicidal attempts are always associated with men, since they tend to keep the pressure for themselves. Women have lots of outlets that they can channel on where they can easily divert or vent things out


10. Results-driven


Women are easy to get along with because they know how to work in a team or group. In fact, much of the success in any project is usually attributed to the contribution, and mindset that women possess. In fact, even in seemingly unimportant activities, you could see dozens of women who are ready to raise their hands and be part of it. They love to take actions and be part of the things that can be accomplished as one. They are very enthusiastic and indeed movers rather than just listen and follow what others would want to suggest or say. Once they move, they put their heart on it, and you would see positive and rewarding results.

Top 10 ways to prevent breast cancer\Health

Top 10 ways to prevent breast cancer\Health


Breast Cancer Prevention

According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 200,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed and more than 40,000 women will die of breast cancer in the US this year. Though experts say there is no sure way to prevent the potentially fatal disease, you can do much to reduce your risk of developing it significantly. Here are the top 10 ways to lower your chances of getting breast cancer.

Lose weight


Being overweight or obese has been found to increase breast cancer risk, especially for women after menopause, when -- because the ovaries stop producing estrogen -- most of a woman's estrogen comes from fat tissue. (Elevated estrogen levels may raise the risk of breast cancer.) Research also indicates that women who gain weight as an adult are at a higher risk for breast cancer than women who have been overweight since childhood. Regardless, if you are overweight, talk to your doctor or a registered dietician about dietary changes that can help you shed pounds and achieve a healthy body weight. Incorporating daily physical activity is another effective and healthy way to lose weight.

Eat right


Though studies are at odds on whether or not fat intake is specifically linked to breast cancer, experts do agree that a high-fat diet can lead to weight gain. The American Cancer Society suggests eating a balanced diet that is based on plant foods, including fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat proteins, while limiting consumption of processed foods and red meats.

Exercise daily


Daily physical activity is not only essential for overall health, it also can reduce the risk of breast cancer. According to a study from the Women's Health Initiative, as little as 1.25 to 2.5 hours of brisk walking per week can reduce a woman's risk of breast cancer by 18 percent, while walking 10 hours per week can reduce the risk even more. You also can run, bike, swim, hike and play sports to mix up your fitness routine and stay motivated. Aim for 45 to 60 minutes of exercise or moderate physical activity at least five days per week.

Limit your alcohol use

Alcohol consumption is clearly linked to an increased risk of developing breast cancer (as well as other types of cancer), and the risk increases with the amount of alcohol consumed. Compared with non-drinkers, women who consume one alcoholic drink a day have a very small increase in breast cancer risk, while women who have two to five drinks daily have about one-and-a-half times the risk of nondrinkers. If you are going to drink, limit your intake to one drink per day.

Breastfeed your baby

Research suggests that women who breastfeed their babies may have a slightly lower risk of developing breast cancer, especially if they continue breastfeeding for up to two years. Though breastfeeding for this long is uncommon in the United States, breastfeeding for even a few months is recommended. Experts believe that breastfeeding reduces a woman's risk of breast cancer because it also reduces the total number of menstrual cycles a woman experiences, exposing her to lower levels of hormones related to breast cancer risk.

Don't take postmenopausal hormone therapy

Research published in the April 2007 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine indicates that the sharp decline in the rate of new breast cancer cases reported in 2003 may be related to a national decline in the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The study looked at the breast cancer incidence rates and HRT prescription rates after research was reported linking HRT to higher risks for breast cancer, heart disease, stroke, blood clots and urinary incontinence among women using HRT that contained both estrogen and progestin. Talk to your doctor about alternatives to HRT if you are menopausal or reaching menopause and feeling challenged by the symptoms related to menopausal hormone changes.

Stay away from secondhand smoke

Though research has not shown smokers to be an increased risk for breast cancer, studies have suggested that high concentrations of secondhand smoke can cause breast cancer in rodents. Further, a 2005 report from the California Environmental Protection Agency concludes that there is a causal association between secondhand smoke and breast cancer in younger, primarily premenopausal women. Since smoking and secondhand smoke are related to other types of cancer and medical conditions, kicking the habit will prove beneficial in reducing your risk of breast cancer as well as improving your overall health.

Avoid environmental carcinogens

Scientists are hard at work researching the link between environmental compounds and breast cancer. Of special interest are environmental substances found in lab studies to have estrogen-like properties, which theoretically could increase breast cancer risk. For example, substances found in some plastics, certain cosmetics and personal-care products, pesticides (such as DDE) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) seem to possess estrogen-like properties. A strong link between environmental compounds and breast cancer has not yet been found, but experts suggest avoiding suspect substances to be safe.

See your healthcare provider for a clinical breast exam

In addition to monthly breast self exams, experts recommend that women see their healthcare providers to get clinical breast exams every three years if they're under 40 and every year if they're 40 or older. Healthcare providers can detect changes that women miss when doing breast self exams. They can also provide women with information on breast cancer prevention, taking family history and lifestyle into account. Early detection is crucial in preventing breast cancer from spreading and becoming more challenging to treat successfully.

Get a mammogram

Breast self exams are an effective way for you to become familiar with how your breasts look and feel so you can be aware of any changes that may indicate breast cancer. Mammograms, however, are the gold standard for detecting breast cancer and are recommended for women starting at age 40, or sooner if a healthcare provider needs to rule out breast cancer due to changes in the breast. Though a mammogram can't prevent breast cancer, it can detect the disease in its earliest stages and prevent it from spreading and becoming a life-threatening condition.


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