23 April, 2012

Top 10 Morning and Evening Yoga|Health

Top 10 Morning and Evening Yoga|Health

Rolling Vinyasa (Part 1)


This strengthens the shoulders, triceps, back, and core, building stamina and boosting confidence and endurance. Start on your hands and knees with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips, then tuck your toes under and straighten your legs to come into Downward Facing Dog.

Rolling Vinyasa (Part 2)


From here, start to round the spine beginning at the tailbone. Tuck the chin and roll forward until your shoulders are over your hands (imagine a wave starting at the base of your spine and rippling toward your head).

Rolling Vinyasa (Part 3)


Bend your elbows (keeping them tucked close to the body) and then lower your shoulders and arch your back into Upward Facing Dog. Now reverse the body roll. Starting with the base of your neck, round the back, as if you're pressing the spine against the ceiling. Roll back with a rounded spine, easing slowly into Downward Facing Dog. Do this exercise 3 to 5 times.

Floating Frog, Fighting Frog (Part 1)


This exercise strengthens core and shoulder muscles. It also heightens yang energy, so that you can confront fear, take risks, and move forward. Plus, it improves balance and agility, confidence, assertiveness, and teaches you to get up off the ground and go. Start in Downward Facing Dog. Bend your knees deeply, look between your hands, engage your abs.

Floating Frog, Fighting Frog (Part 2)


Then jump your feet to the outside of your hands into Frog pose.

Floating Frog, Fighting Frog


From there, pop up into a fighting stance -- arms and fists up, feet spread wide, knees bent, left foot in front of the right, as if you're hopping up onto a surfboard. Repeat this exercise 5 times.

Fighting Buddha (Part 1)


This exercise moves you through three states of being -- at peace, defending, and attacking -- without losing your center. Start with a wide, squatting straddle stance, with your toes pointed out and knees bent, hands in praye

Fighting Buddha (Part 2)


Shift your weight to the left, straightening the right leg and bending the right arm, drawing the left arm over your head.

Fighting Buddha (Part 3)


Then reverse, shifting your weight over your right knee, chambering the left arm and punching the right fist forward. Return to the starting position. Repeat 3 times.

This exercise helps maintain the natural curvature of the lower spine, which is often flattened by long periods of sitting; stretches the front of the spine and softens any tightness around the heart, which can feed imbalance; creates more space in the lungs, increasing your ability to receive breath, which also helps alleviate depression. Lie on your belly with elbows under shoulders. Look straight ahead. Hold for 3 minutes.

Sphinx Pose


This exercise helps maintain the natural curvature of the lower spine, which is often flattened by long periods of sitting; stretches the front of the spine and softens any tightness around the heart, which can feed imbalance; creates more space in the lungs, increasing your ability to receive breath, which also helps alleviate depression. Lie on your belly with elbows under shoulders. Look straight ahead. Hold for 3 minutes

Reclined Twist


This exercise settles the emotional body, creating a sense of calm, while toning and massaging the abdominal organs; opens the outer hips and lower back; aids digestion, elimination, and detoxification, helping restore your body's natural balance. Lie on your back with feet on the floor and knees bent. Cross left knee over the right and drop knees to the right, twisting the torso, keeping as much of your upper back as possible on the ground. If your knees don't come to the floor, place a blanket under them. Left arm stretches out straight along the floor; right hand rests over the torso. Look to the left. Stay 2 to 3 minutes twisted to each side.

Wide Child's Pose


This exercise relieves tension in the hips and lower back; draws attention inward; brings you in touch with your contemplative side; quiets the mind and calms the emotional body. Sit on your shins with your knees bent. Open your knees as wide as they will go (place a blanket underneath your shins if you need more cushioning). Fold forward and rest your head on your stacked palms -- with your arms bent and elbows out to the side. If you have a tight lower back and need more height, rest your forehead on a folded blanket. Stay 3 minutes.



This exercise allows the body to rest and absorb the effects of the session; promotes relaxation, clarity, and calm. Lie on your back with a rolled-up blanket under your knees. Keep your legs separated. Let your arms rest about 6 inches from your body with your palms facing up. Close your eyes and feel your breath gently rise and fall on its own. Let your body sink slowly into the floor as your thoughts grow quiet. Stay in this position for at least 5 minutes, or longer if you like.

Baked potato triggers positive memories!|Health

Baked potato triggers positive memories!|Health


The smell of a baked potato can actually make us feel happier, scientists say.

LONDON: The smell of a baked potato can actually make us feel happier, scientists say.

Researchers have discovered that the aromas given off during the cooking process can trigger positive memories in the brain, the Daily Mail reported.


As part of the study, subjects were presented with a Maris Piper, baked in the oven for an hour 140 degrees, and asked if it inspired any feelings.

Findings revealed the majority of participants were uplifted by comforting childhood memories – including favourite grandparents and meals with the family.

Avinash Kant, who lead the research, said the positive emotions were triggered by what is called the “Maillard Effect”.

He said: “Food aromas and their recognition is a complex brain function which we’ve only recently started to understand.”

13 April, 2012



Below mentioned some useful tips about home remedies and colds.  This has referred by some leading First Aid / CPR personnel:

Myth 1: Butter on burns helps with healing


This is not the case. DO NOT put butter on burns. It will only cook the skin and the wound even more when exposed to light or heat. You also placed an unclear and foreign object on an opening that could easily be infected. Run the burn with cold war for 10 minutes Use ointment/topical cream and dressing to cover.

Myth 2: Cue tips clean out dirty ears

This is not the case. Do not insert any objects into your ear, especially cue tips. People are prone to do this all time. If ear becomes contaminated flush it out with water. There are specific tools which will allow you to do so. Check your local drug mart for more details

Myth 3: If dressing not put on properly, remove it.

No. Once the dressing is on, do not remove it. It is already doing its job by trying to suppress the blood. If you need to put more dressing then do so, but DO NOT remove ones that are on the wound.

Myth 4: Vinegar compresses help sunburns

Do not add any compresses that may cause stinging or an unwanted reaction. Remember that vinegar is an acid that will burn your skin, especially with sunburns. Use cold war compresses instead.

Myth 5: Use peroxide on scrapes and cuts and leave open to the air.

No. This kills body cells that are helping the body eliminate bacteria.

Myth 6: Apple Cider Vinegar helps beat heartburn

No it does not. It mostly is used to kill germs and weight loss. There is no evidence of heartburn remedies.

Myth 7: White rum with lemon juice and water to reduce fever

Alcohol cools down the body to shivers. Do not attempt to do this.

Myth 8: Do not go outside with wet hair

Colds are caused by viruses and not by cold weather. You thus cannot get a cold from having wet hair.

Myth 9: Drink tea with lemon and honey to cure voice loss

Tea and lemon are acidic. This can case a problem to the voice. The vocal folds are made of delicate tissues. The acid may cause acid reflux.

Myth 10: Hot Toddies to help raspy voices

Many doctors advise to stay away, especially from warming drinks that have alcohol in them. The drink may not go into the inflamed area.


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