02 January, 2011

How to live a happy married life during economic crisis

How to live a happy married life during economic crisis

How to live a happy married life during economic crisis

The credit crunch has not only affected world’s economy but has also left stains on couples’ relationships. Now, a leading expert has provided some tips to help couples get through the bumpy situation.

In her opinion, the key to getting through this crisis is to realize that the financial problems are not going to vanish in the flick of a second and to communicate your fears. 

Rapini said if you’re too angry to talk, write a note, and talk later. Keeping feelings inside only harbors resentment in the long run, and in many cases, leads to cheating and/or divorce.

Don’t panic
If you take your money out now there will be penalties. Consider the long term view.

Cut family expenses
Sit down with your spouse and find three expenses you can cut back on. This will end up making your bond stronger.

Eat at home/Exercise together
Eating at home costs less and is healthier. Take a bike ride or walk with your spouse and talk. This is a great way to promote togetherness.

Set small realistic goals
Take a few dollars from each of your paychecks and start putting away a little money now for a summer vacation. 

Entertain at home
Having friends over, as opposed to going out to a restaurant or club, is much cheaper and, most of the time, more fun. You can relax, talk and share ideas of how to get out of this financial mess.

“Most healing happens when people work together. Reach out to your spouse and share your feelings with them during this difficult time. It will make it less scary and will help you to begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel,” said Rapini.

Source: ANI

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