28 February, 2011

Are you with the A, B, AB or O diet?

Forget those Juice and Green Tea diets, for this one is thicker than water. It’s the Blood Group Diet, that’s caught on abroad and warranted a lot of research on the subject. So, what should you have if you are A+? Here’s a peek into what it might entail…

How it works

Research says that the blood group diet is based on each individual's blood type. Each blood type has a unique antigen marker that complements the digestion of certain ingredients and defines stomach acidity. These antigen markers react differently to different ingredients and when identified correctly they can provide vital health solutions. Also, the levels of digestive enzymes and stomach acidity are directly related to one's blood type.

Executive chef Joy Bhattacharya of Trident, Nariman Point, who delved into the subject to find out what foods are best suited for health of mind and body, says, "Today, tailor-made dietary plans suiting one's blood type are gaining popularity by the day and this form of healthy living is well spoken about."

At Frangipani, we decided to take further this concept and showcase the nutritious characteristics of fine dining. Following broad guidelines that define the food and ingredients best suited to each blood group respectively, we crafted an exclusive menu with preparations for each blood type."

Boosts overall health

Adds Priya Karkera, nutritionist, "Each of us have a blood type and research on that connect with foods and blood groups is currently on, as it is considered a vital topic. While clinically a certain food will not increase the haemoglobin levels or the quality of blood, the overall health does improve with the food." She has a few suggestions for the groups. "A type people can have more alkaline foods while AB negative can go for more acidic foods like red meat, other non-vegetarian fare, potatoes, complex carbs, cucumbers and kale. Also, O being a universal donor can have more pulses, milk and milk products."

With reference to broadly accepted nutrition guidelines, here are chef Joy's foods that are best suited for each blood type:

Group A

It is best suited to have more vegetables and greens, with cereals, nuts, seeds and carbohydrates such as pasta. Meat should be consumed in lesser quantity.

Group B

They have a versatile diet, and can include a variety of meat, fish, vegetables and whole grains for wholesome nutrition.

Group AB

Fish, vegetables, carbohydrates and grains best suit this group

Group O

Being the oldest group, red meat proteins are easily digested along with fish. This was the blood group that was formulated when our ancestors had abundant red meat as their daily diet.

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