09 March, 2014

Feeling Tired? Try a One-Minute Energy Booster\Health

Feeling Tired? Try a One-Minute Energy Booster\Health

Energy Booster

Many times throughout the day we need a little energy recharge. Rather than reach for the sugar or caffeine, why not try a one-minute energy boost? It might perk you up and give you the extra push you need to complete tasks during your busy day.

Energy Supply

Why is personal energy is in short supply these days? It seems like our lives have become increasingly more hectic. We are constantly on the go with work, errands, family obligations and more!

We are meant to have cyclical breaks of rest every so often throughout the day, not just at night when we fall into bed.

We are meant to have cyclical breaks of rest every so often throughout the day, not just at night when we fall into bed. It’s hard to get those moments of relaxation in a modern world that’s all go, go, go. Our bodies have varying rhythms throughout the day with both high and low points.

One particular low point for most people occurs sometime around 2 to 3pm. Usually that’s when we reach for the soda or candy bar. Since we don’t always have the luxury of taking a break when we feel low energy, we can try a one-minute energy boost as an alternative to less healthy choices.

One-Minute Energy Boosters

In the time it takes to drink a soda or eat a candy bar, you can try one of the 10 following energy boosters. They can all be done in a minute, so you don’t have to feel guilty about taking time away from work or other tasks. You can use a timer if you’d like or just do the activity for a short period.

1. Walk.

1. Walk.

Get up and walk around for one minute. Just getting away from your desk and moving can help boost your energy. It will get your blood flowing throughout your body. You’ll also get a chance to gain a quick change of perspective.

2. Stretch


If you can’t get up to walk around for one minute, then try stretching. Stand up, raise your arms and move them around. Stand on your tiptoes a few times. Bend at the waist and try some twists. Do any stretching motions you’d like and see if you can keep it up for one minute.

3. Breathe


It seems pretty obvious that we are constantly breathing, so why a reminder? So many times we are hunched over a desk or using bad posture that we are not breathing properly. We tend to be shallow breathers. Take one minute to just breathe fully and deeply, feeling it in your diaphragm. This is called “belly breathing” because the focus is on your belly, not just your chest.

4. Stairs

If you have a chance to walk around, try climbing the stairs in your office building or home. Go up and down a few times. It doesn’t need to be at a fast pace. Climbing stairs will get your blood pumping and get some more oxygen to your cells and brain.

5. Music


Put on some lively, energizing music. It will probably get your feet tapping, perk up your mood and help you to shift your energy.
6. Laugh


Scientific studies have shown that laughter can boost energy levels in addition to improving mood. Those feel good hormones get going with a good laugh.

7. Water


Energy levels can lag throughout the day due to dehydration. Many people don’t drink enough water. Make sure you are well hydrated. A nice refreshing glass of cool water can help boost your metabolism.

8. Sunlight


If possible go outside and enjoy a minute of sunshine. It will help with melatonin production to keep you awake and alert. If that’s not possible check if indoor lighting is sufficient.

9. Aromatherapy


Pleasing scents can help perk you up, especially citrus-based ones like lemon and orange. Use a spray, incense or scented candles.

10. Chew Gum

Chew Gum

Chewing a minty flavored gum or popping a peppermint candy in your mouth can also give you a little lift.

Next time you feel a lull during the day try a one-minute energy booster and feel refreshed!

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