26 January, 2013

RELAXATION Benefits / Poses

RELAXATION Benefits / Poses

The practice of relaxing the muscles of the body will bring rest to the body and to the mind also. The tension of the muscles will be relieved. People who know the science of relaxation do not waste any energy. They can meditate well.


(Core – Pose)


This is an asana for relaxation of all muscles, nerves etc. It should be performed at the very end of your asana practice. (Mritasana is another name for this pose.)

Technique: Spread a soft blanket. Lie flat on your back. Keep the hands on the ground by the sides of your body. Stretch the legs quite straight. Let the feet drop outwards. Close the eyes and breathe slowly. Relax all the muscles, nerves, organs, etc. Start the relaxation process from the toes. Then proceed to the calf-muscles, muscles of the back, chest, arm, forearm and hands, neck, face etc. See that the abdominal organs, heart, chest and brain are also relaxed. Relax the plexus of nerves also. Now repeat OM, OM, and OM. Think of Atman. Meditate gently with a feeling of purity. Do not sleep. Continue the meditation for 15 minutes. You will enjoy perfect peace, ease, comfort and relaxation. Every one of you should enjoy it. Words are imperfect; they cannot adequately describe the feeling.

Benefits: Savasana combines pose and meditation. It gives relief, comfort and ease. After 15 minutes relaxation you will be wonderfully refreshed and rejuvenated. You will be more efficient and effective in whatever you do.


Relaxation is a very important factor in muscular exercises. The muscles that are put under severe strain demand relaxation and rest. It is savasana that promptly and efficiently ensures complete relaxation and rest. In halasana, sarvangasana, paschimottanasana, dhanurasana and ardha-matsyendrasana you know pretty well that all the muscles of the back- lattisssimus dorsi, psoas magnus and quadratus lumborum – the abdominus rectus, pectoralis major of the chest, biceps triceps, the deltoid of the arm and sartorius of the thighs are all stretched and contracted to an enormous degree. During intense muscular activity the metabolism is increased. Metabolism is the anabolic and catabolic changes that take place in the body (wear and tear in the system). Anabolic changes are constructive and catabolic changes are the destructive ones. During metabolism all the muscular tissues are supplied with fresh oxygenated blood or plasma through capillary oozing, and carbon-dioxide is taken back through the veins to the right auricle of the heart. This is termed tissue respiration. Just as interchange of oxygen and carbon-dioxide takes place in the lungs, so also interchange of carbon-dioxide and oxygen takes place in the tissues also. Mark the wonderful creation and working of the internal mechanism of the body. How marvelous is the machinery. Can a scientist make a single atom, a single cell, a single organ of the body? Bow with folded hands before the Creator of this wonderful mechanism of the body. Repeat OM, OM. Enter into silence. Meditate. The whole mystery of creation will be revealed unto you through His grace.


1. Jeshthikasana:This is an exercise for relaxation like savasana. This must be done at the end of all the asanas. In this the hands are kept on the ground bythe sides of the head, while in savasana the hands are kept at the sides.

2. Adhvasana: Lie down quite flat, keeping the belly and chest on the ground. The hands will be at sides, palms facing upwards. Stretch the body well. This is a reverse pose of savasana with the same benefits. For some time keep the right cheek on the ground and for some time the left cheek.

3. Makarasana (Dolphin Pose):Lie on the ground face downwards as in adhvasana. Rest the forehead on the crossed wrists.


Mental Relaxation

Mental poise and calmness may be brought about by the eradication of worry and anger. Fear really underlies both worry and anger. Nothing is gained by worry and anger, but on the contrary much energy is wasted by these kinds of lower emotions. If a man worries much and if he is irritable, he is indeed a very weak man. Be careful and thoughtful. All unnecessary worries can be avoided. Relaxation of the muscles reacts on the mind and brings rest to the mind also. Body and mind are intimately connected.

Sit for 15 minutes in a relaxed and easy comfortable position. Close your eyes. Withdraw the mind from outside objects. Still the mind, Silence the bubbling thoughts. Think that the body is like a coconut shell and you are entirely different from the body. Think that the body is an instrument in your hands. Identify yourself with the all-pervading spirit or Atman. Imagine that the whole world and your body are floating like a piece of straw in this vast ocean of spirit. Feel that you are in touch with the Supreme Being. Feel that the life of the whole world is pulsating, vibrating and throbbing through you. Feel that the ocean of life is gently rocking you on its vast bosom. Then open your eyes. You will experience immense mental peace, mental vigour and mental strength.

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