05 December, 2010



Many people have asked how they are supposed to keep a regular meditation practice going while they are travelling. They may be on a plane, a train, in an airport, in a car, or a number of places which are not the most conducive to a regular meditation practice.
There are several things you can do while travelling to maintain the regularity of your practice.
Many people travel with a portable altar. This can consist of something as simple as a photograph of your main deity, your guru and the Om symbol. Or it can be more elaborate and also include a candle, incense and a spiritual book. Setting up your portable altar in the hotel room and meditating as much as possible.
If your schedule is such that you will be spending the entire day in transit, the next best thing is to sit comfortably in your seat wherever that may be. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, imagining that you are in front of your main altar. Concentrate, and as much as possible follow the points of meditation. Understandably this can be quite difficult, however, the most important thing is to maintain the regularity of the practice - strengthening the samskaras (latent mental impressions) that you will meditate every day no matter what, rather than strengthening the opposite samskaras that you only meditate when it is convenient and all the conditions are perfect.

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