05 December, 2010



SAY NO: Some whitening methods can break down the enamel covering on teeth, leaving the rest of the tooth susceptible to decay.


All those who opt for do it-yourself (DIY) natural whitening methods for sparkling teeth, because trips to the dentist are out of their price range, may be only trading one problem for another, claim dentists.

According to experts, whitening home-remedies promoted online by people with no dental experience can cause lasting damage to the teeth and gums.

Baking soda, salt, soap, ash, hydrogen peroxide, low grade bleaching gels, and even special toothpastes may sound like a good alternative to the expensive professional treatments, but these are downright dangerous and a complete waste of precious money experts aver.

One of the British Dental Association stated, “The hard tissue of the teeth requires strong chemicals to whiten it that are only safe for use by properly trained clinicians.”

“It could also cost them money, because having problems repaired by a dentist after attempts at self-whitening could cost many times what would have been paid for a proper, professional treatment by a dentist in the first place.”

Self-treatment can cause lasting damage to dental health.

Some of the methods can break down the enamel covering on the tooth susceptible to decay and erosion. They can also cause long-term damage to the gums.

Baking soda is a cleaning agent and deodorizer, which may get rid of the easier stains and make the teeth sparkle more.

However, baking soda is very abrasive, and its regular use has the potential to damage the enamel of the teeth.

Citric acid in lemon juice and orange peels is another popular way to whiten your teeth at home because of its natural bleaching properties. But this method is highly advised against by dentists.

The citric acid found in the fruit eats away at the enamel and speeds up tooth decay. It doesn’t actually bleach the teeth, but removes the enamel.

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