04 December, 2010


Eye flu during rainy season

Hot and humid conditions during rainy season aggravate such infections. Most viral infections tend to affect the epithelium, both of the conjunctivas and cornea, says leading eye specialists.

As the rainy season starts, usually children suffer from viral infections in eye commonly known as eye flu or viral conjunctivitis, a troublesome eye disease. Hot and humid conditions aggravate such eye infections.



Red, swollen eyes

Watery discharge from eyes

Swelling of conjunctiva

Severe itching

Pain in eyes

Blurring of vision

Lid swelling

Feeling of discomfort and foreign body sensations in eyes

Predisposing factors

Disease is caused by virus infection like adeno virus, herpes simplex virus, and myxo virus and pox virus

Hot and humid conditions during rainy season aggravate such infections

Most of the viral infections tend to affect the epithelium, both of the conjunctiva and cornea

Because the disease is highly infectious, once a child becomes infected, the entire family may also catch the infection

There is a myth that the disease spreads just by looking into an infected eye but this is not true. Fingers pick up the virus if we touch the infected eye and get transmitted

"Several children contract eye infections from swimming pool"


-Avoid going to swimming pool which has regular chlorination of water

-Avoid shaking hand. Wash hands with soap after handshake

-Clean your eyes with clean water two to three times a day

-Don’t use common towels or handkerchief

-Personal hygiene should be good


Wear dark goggles

Use anti-allergic eye drops three to four time a day

Cold compress gives soothing effect to eyes

Disease is usually self limiting

No specific effective treatment is known. But to avoid secondary bacterial infection broad spectrum antibiotic eye drops may be used three to four times a day for about seven days

Usually the disease has a self limiting course of five to seven days

Steroid eye drops should never be used in eye flu. If needed, should be given after consulting an eye specialist


All eye problems cannot be prevented, but a lot can be done to slow the progression of many eye disorders and prevent visual impairment –

Eye is one of the most important body parts in human body. While not all eye problems can be prevented, a lot can be done to slow the progression of many eye disorders and prevent visual impairment.


Lack of nutritious diet like retinal (vitamin A) and calcium

Inadequate sleep

Improper sitting posture

Straining of eyes in excess and not giving them proper time to relax

Direct exposure to sunlight may also lead to blurred vision

Smoking is another factor


A balanced diet of vitamin A, C, E beta Carotene, calcium, anti-oxidant vitamins, should be taken to provide nourishment, like tomatoes, amia, walnut, oranges, kiwis, grapefruit, dried apricots, tomatoes, people, green leafy vegetables such as lettuce and spinach, green peas, green beans, nuts seeds carrots, deity products, eggs cheese, fish, poultry, and milk.


Take almonds, fennel and sugar candies in equal amount take two tablespoon of this paste with warm milk during bed time it helps in fading away eye ailments.


With trifala water and rose water is good for eyes


Use eye drops made of rose water and lime juice in equal amount, or with onion juice

Rose water mixed with potash alum in one seventh of its quantity used it two drops

Use water filled in green bottle kept in sunlight for washing eyes

Application of honey


Massaging palms and soles with the warm mustard oil

Rub your palms with each other and keep them on your cheeks and eyes 5 minutes

Blinking of eyes 15 times regularly per hour helps in increasing circulation in eyes

Rotation of pupil in all the directions while keeping head and back straight for 15 times per hour


Continuously stare at thumb of your hand which is placed parallel to your eyes

Health tips:

Use solution make of fennel seeds, honey and cold water to wash eyes

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