05 December, 2010



A woman’s risk of breast cancer approximately doubles if she has a first-degree relative (mother, sister, and daughter) who has been diagnosed with breast cancer

Cancer is an ailment that requires focused and intense care for the affected patient. We tell you what parameters to go by while choosing a hospital for treatment.

Breast cancer is slowly becoming the most common cancer among Women, it spells physical and emotional trauma for not just the patient but a woman’s close friends and family. That’s why getting the right treatment and choosing the right hospital plays a very important role. After all, “Early detection is the key when it comes to treating breast cancer,’ says expert practitioner of a Radiologist.

She specifies a few parameters to bear in mind before deciding on a hospital. “Choosing a hospital to treat breast cancer usually depends on the stage of the cancer,” she says.

The first step would be diagnosis. “A mammography or a zoography is done to detect a lump,” she says. Thus, facilities for the same have to be up-to-date. The second step is an FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology) or a biopsy is carried out to confirm if the growth is cancerous. “Post this, surgery can be undergone depending on the size of the tumour, says a Delhi-based Oncologist.

The NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Health care Providers) is the highest authority that gives accreditation to hospitals. Here are a few main criteria stated by them.

The hospital should have excellent patient care facilities. All support facilities like requisition of tests, medicines, nurse-doctor co-ordination, infection control practices, training, etc. should be up to the mark

Internal activities like documentation of patients’ reports, job descriptions and checklists should be closely followed by the staff

All process-driven activities like registration, pre-surgery, Peri-surgery and post-surgery procedures, discharge and follow-up with the patient post-discharge should function smoothly too

All machinery and equipment required for detection and surgery should be maintained and upgraded on a regular basis


All information on the proposed treatment, expected results, possible complications and expected costs

Privacy during examination and treatment

The option to refuse treatment

Information about procedures as well as ask for consent before administering anesthesia, blood transfusion and other such high-risk procedures

Details on how to file a complaint as well  access to his\her clinical records

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